Early childhood education
Early childhood education (VVE = European standard for Early childhood education and care ECEC) is playing and learning for toddlers and preschoolers to increase the use of the Dutch language. In this way children can be prepared in a playful way, in a safe, warm atmosphere at primary school.
Preschool education
Preschools and childcare organizations offer pre-school education. Preschool education is for toddlers from the age of 2.5 until they go to elementary school. Municipalities are responsible for preschool education. They determine which children are eligible. Usually this is via the consultation office. Children with an indication for VVE have priority over a place in the playgroup. We do not find it advisable to let the groups in the playgroup only consist of children with a VVE indication. We try to mix the groups as much as possible.
Early childhood education
Early childhood education is for children from group 1 and 2 of the primary school. The primary school is responsible for early childhood education.
Programs for VVE
There are various programs for VVE. They mainly focus on language deficits, but also pay attention to the social-emotional development of children. Our playgroups are working with the ‘Speelplezier’ program approved by the municipality of Almere. In the period 2012-2014, the program was redesigned on location in Maastricht in accordance with the practice of Waldorf education. All teachers followed a training program tailored to this program during the period September 2014 – December 2015, which was concluded with obtaining a certificate. From the first day of class, the curriculum is interwoven in daily practice on all our toddler groups. A yearly follow-up program is integrated in our year program.
Offer at the ‘Vrije Peuterspeelzaal‘
For the 2021-2022 playing-year there is the following offer, whereby 4 or 5 half-days per week are compulsory, divided over preferably three mornings and two afternoons. Including delivery and collection time this is 16 hours per week. With our offer from the municipality, the parents are expected to take part in the corresponding parent program (VVE-Thuis) at the start of each new theme story, which we offer free of charge but not without obligation. This means that once every 2 weeks for 2 hours in the morning the new story is played out in the parent group with accompanying activities and songs to practice with the toddler at home. It is very stimulating for the child if the parent also knows about the offer in the toddler group! The dates of these in addition to useful also very cozy parents’ meetings are listed on the beautiful theme board in the hall of the location. There is support in English.
Every child who comes to play at a VVE-toddler place is transferred warmly to the primary school. The transfer is made in writing via a standardized transfer form that the parent can also view and sign. Warm transfer means that the teacher also has contact with the primary school to provide an oral explanation of the form.